On September 9, Green Cluster students went back in time to Ancient Greece and became Olympic athletes! The students participated in “Olympic events” as a way to kick off their upcoming history unit on Ancient Greece.
The students were broken up into groups by advisory class, and took part in four team-building activities: rock-paper-scissors, ring toss, building a pyramid, and a tic-tac-toe relay. These activities allowed them to have fun and reconnect after the long summer break apart. The event let them experience what the Olympics were like, while also drawing on their knowledge about modern-day Olympics. Intermediate Division Director Michelle Fox exclaimed her excitement for the activity, and how fun it was for the students. “The Ancient Greek Olympics were a great way to kick off the school year and get kids excited about their upcoming history unit on Ancient Greece, and was a really fruitful community-building opportunity for them,” she said.
The unit on Ancient Greece is the Green Cluster’s first history unit, during which they will continue to learn more about Greek society and culture.