
Check out the latest school news!

  • Five Questions With… Wendy Peters
    Originally from Trinidad and Tobago, Facilities Service Manager Wendy Peters has been on the Facilities team at Gaynor for 16 years, and has seen the school go through all kinds of changes, both architecturally and culturally. We sat down with Wendy for the latest installment of our “Five Questions With…” series, and learned more about her history with the school from the perspective of a staff member, and how deep her love of Gaynor is. 
  • Celebrating Employee Milestones
    During the Summer Institute, Gaynor held a celebration to honor faculty and staff members who reached key milestones in their years of service. Continuing the newly established tradition from the previous year, milestones were divided into “clusters” to mimic the educational journey of Gaynor students.
  • Professionals in Education Open House, October 15, 2024
    Stephen Gaynor School is hosting an Open House for Professionals in Education. During the visit, participants will have a chance to hear about our individualized curriculum, view classes in session, and meet our students and faculty. Refreshments will be served.
  • Acting with Empathy in the Lower School
    At Gaynor, drama is a key element of the curriculum. Drama class begins in the Lower School, where students learn the fundamentals of acting and how those skills can be applied both onstage and in real life. 
  • Celebrating 30 Years of Gaynor at Gaynor
    Head of School Dr. Scott Gaynor first joined the staff of Stephen Gaynor School as a bookkeeper 30 years ago in 1994. In honor of this exciting anniversary, Gazette editor Megan Bostaph sat down with Dr. Gaynor for an in-depth discussion about his time at Gaynor, and the journey he has taken along with the school as they both have changed and grown over the past thirty years. 

Stephen Gaynor School Gazette